Tumors take their energy from glucose and turn it into lactic acid which must be broken down by the liver. Unfortunately, the liver converts lactic acid to glucose. This cycle is called cachexia (pronounced ka-kek-see-ah) and is responsible for the wasting away that is typical of cancer patients. Hydrazine sulfate, sometimes referred to as HZ, is designed to stop this wasting away.
Hydrazine sulfate’s popularity grew rapidly after the publicity generated at the 1974 NHF(National Health Federation) convention by Dr. Joseph Gold, director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute in Syracuse, New York.
Hydrazine sulfate was demonstrating good results, but it was getting too popular. The FDA decided to put on the brakes and withdrew the INDs (Investigational New Drug number). After that, funding dried up, and companies withdrew their interest in researching the drug. All of this despite the fact that the drug was showing good response in a number of studies.
Hydrazine sulfate Cancer Treatment
Hydrazine sulfate has been used for reducing pain and interrupting cachexia. Cachexia stops the wasting away that later stage cancer patients experience. Hydrazine sulfate seems to be effective regardless of the type of cancer. However, hydrazine sulfate does not seem to be effective in removing cancer tumors.
In 1973 Dr. Joseph Gold, director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute performed an animal study with hydrazine sulfate. The results showed that it inhibited the growth of several different types of tumors in laboratory animals. It also improved the effectiveness of several chemotherapy drugs.
Dr. Dean Burk, of NCI, called hydrazine sulfate “the most remarkable anticancer agent I have come across in my forty-five years of experience in cancer.” He even detailed some case histories of successful treatments with hydrazine sulfate:
Since April 1, 1973, upwards of 30 cachectic or “terminal” cancer patients have been treated with gelatin capsules containing 60 mg of hydrazine sulfate three to four times a day (at intervals of about 6 hours). Usually within 24-48 hours there is a marked return of appetite followed by continued increase in weight, remarkably restored physical activity, and eventually decrease in tumor size, decrease in pain, and related decrease in symptomatology.
One patient, a young man with Hodgkin’s disease, was bedridden and severely underweight. After receiving only two doses of hydrazine sulfate he was able to get out of bed and care for himself. After five days of treatment he actually left the hospital for a brief trip. There appeared to be no side effects from the low dosage of the drug employed, and one patient who had a previously inoperable cancer experienced sufficient tumor regression to be operated on.
A larger, Soviet study demonstrated the effectiveness of hydrazine sulfate in 740 cancer patients most of whom had used conventional treatments without success. The types of cancer broke down as follows:
* 200 lung cancer
* 138 cancer of the stomach
* 66 breast cancer
* 63 Hodgkin”s disease
* 31 melanoma
After two to three weeks of therapy, tumor stabilization or regression occurred in 50.8 percent of the patients, 46.6 percent of the patients had improvements, such as decrease in fever, reduced respiratory problems, and disappearance of edema. Other results included, improved appetite and strength, and decrease or elimination of pain.
Hydrazine sulfate only needs to be taken three times a day in a small 60 mg pill. Persons weighing less than 125 lbs. have often been advised to switch to a 30 mg pill.
Warning: The drug’s discoverer, Dr. Joseph Gold, had found that HS reacted badly if patients were taking other drugs, especially tranquilizers. It was found to be a lethal contraindication to combine Hydrazine sulfate with any other drugs or tranquilizers. Certain classes of medications, including mood-altering medications such as tranquilizers and antidepressants can cause fatal interactions with hydrazine sulfate and should be avoided. Ask your physician about all your medications and over-the-counter remedies to make sure they are compatible with taking an MAO inhibitor like hydrazine sulfate.
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