The Rife Digital Professional has transformed the lives of more than 20 thousand people across the planet using the built in Dr Rife Treatment Protocol
This Professional Rife Machine V3 produces multiple frequency bandwidths, 20 Default Program Groups, Super Sweep, Convergence Sweep and Exceeds all expectations in power output and amperage for the healing processes of the most serious diseases.

12 Months Warranty applies to all Rife Digital Machines.
Our Service center is in London. Accessories such as straps and cables and power adapters have a limited 60 day Warranty. Wholesale and Re-seller Discounts apply to bulk purchases of Rife Digital. Please contact Customer Service at the comments button above for a quote. Rife Digital sell Rife Machine’s world-wide and the maximum time for delivery is 5-7 days. Payment By Credit Card, or use the PAYPAL members payment facility. PayPal now accepts all Credit Cards if you require an express checkout. Do not return Rife Digital Machine to the Florida USA address.
HOW TO SEND GOODS BACK: This is what you need to know if you want to return goods to us: Within 7 days: By law, customers within the European Union also have the right to withdraw from the purchase of unused, unsealed items within seven working days of the day after the date the item is delivered. We are NOT legally obliged to return outgoing shipping costs or for the customer’s cost for shipping goods back to our warehouse. Items sent within the UK: Even after 7 days, we allow returns sent within 2 weeks of delivery but they are subject to a 10% of the order value (whichever is the greater sum). This is not intended for profit but to cover our shipping & processing costs, and the payment of our distributors who charge us for each shipment and re-stock. Items sent outside of the UK but within the EU: Even after 7 days, we allow returns sent within 2 weeks of delivery but they are subject to a 10% of the order value (whichever is the greater sum). This is not intended for profit but to cover our shipping & processing costs, and the payment of our distributors who are an external company who charge us for each shipment and re-stock. Items sent outside of the EU: We do not offer refunds for goods sent outside of the EU. So please do not send goods back to us if you are outside the EU, as we will not refund them. Occasionally we have had customers spending a large amount of time consulting with us for our advice, ignoring this advice and returning the goods. Depending on how much time we have spent with the customer, we reserve the right to take into account a consultation charge in the issuing of any refund. It’s up to you to decide whether to send returned goods by a trackable service. But if you do not send the goods recorded / trackable, we will not be held liable or issue refunds for goods which we have not received. Please help us identify you. and are unable to guess who the goods came from, even though customers seem to credit us with this skill from time to time.You must include a note with your name and post code written clearly with the package, or the original invoice. Also, we are unable to read squiggles, so please write legibly.
POSTAGE OPTIONS: Delayed Delivery Outside the UK where “Air Mail Non Trackable” has been selected If you selected “air mail non trackable – no refund in event of loss” as your shipping method unfortunatelythis means what it says. Usually the goods DO show up, but once the order has been sent there is no point in contacting us for tracking information because as we explained when the option was selected, it’s not trackable, and we do not issue refunds in the event of loss. This is why we make every customer who selects this option digitally sign an agreement prior to the completion of their orders accepting that there would be no refund if the goods did not arrive and accepting that there is no tracking. Goods sent outside the UK where a signed for service has been selected If you select this shipping method, someone has to be available to sign for the goods, though sometimes they leave the goods with a neighbour who signs for it. If nobody is in, they should leave a note, but the fact is that they sometimes fail to do so, so it is always worth checking with your delivery office. If this happens we respectfully ask you to arrange re-delivery as these goods are not lost. If you have not received your goods after 3 weeks, please contact us, and we will investigate. Limitation Any claims for non delivered items must be made within 4 weeks of dispatch (UK) and 8 weeks (non UK). Royal Mail Postage is non refundable.
The Rife Digital Professional V3